architecture, art &design courses
Exclusive preparation for studying architecture, art and design
portfolio creation classes for postgraduate studies
This service concerns Bachelor holders and graduates of HEIs, TEIs, IEKs and Colleges aiming for Master's study programs in European and American Universities (MA, MArch, RIBA II). In collaboration with the candidate, we paginate and digitally edit their student papers with the aim of highlighting all the interesting elements and correcting any weaknesses. Our aim is for the portfolio to acquire a coherent, distinct and interesting visual identity that expresses the candidate and satisfies the University he is aiming for. Through our many years of experience we know that, in some cases, duringof the degree there are gaps, both in the part of the architectural solution and the visual presentation. The portfolio creation courses we provide are tailor made and achieve the creation of a perfect portfolio while at the same time preparing the candidate and equipping them to successfully cope with the demands of the Master's program they wish to attend.
Universities (indicative):TU Delft, Columbia, Pratt, Architectural Association (AA), UCL, Glasgow School of Art, Edinburgh, Oxford Brookes, Westminster, Greenwich, Nottingham, Bath, Kingston, Strathclyde, Dundee, UCA,Lincoln,Polytechnico Di Milano (Italy), Aalborg (Denmark) etc.
What is included in the preparation of a postgraduate portfolio?

προετοιμασια portfolio

portfolio μεταπτυχιακά portfolio

riba 2 portfolio

προετοιμασια portfolio
1.Creative editing, proofreading and pagination of all undergraduate theses
2.Enhancing the portfolio with new projects, if deemed necessary, to cover design scales or compositional issues not included in existing work
3.Covering gaps in the process of architectural resolution and composition, design techniques and design programs
4.Familiarity with the creative use of Photoshop to create plaques and portfolio pages
Do you have a Bachelor with an average grade and want to secure a place on a RIBA II program?
If you have a Bachelor with a 2nd lower or 3rd degree and you want to secure a place in programsRIBA II, we can work together intervening and enriching your portfolio in order to achieve 100% the result you want.
the opinion of our students
I worked with architectonica to put together my portfolio in preparation for my application for graduate studies in architecture. Through this successful collaboration I was accepted to TU Delft in the Netherlands. Our collaboration was about the perfect presentation of the Bachelor projects I had from an English University, improving their quality and also completing them with missing elements. Through the experience of the professors of architectonica and with their proper guidance, a very high-quality and beautiful result was created that helped decisively in the success of my application and my acceptance to the specific study program, which is in huge demand and highly competitive.
Dimitris Papatheodorou, Bachelor of Architecture from Liverpool University, was accepted by TU Delft.