architecture, art &design courses
Exclusive preparation for studying architecture, art and design
Reinforcement of IB Visual Arts IB and GCE Art portfolio
This service is aimed at students who are attendingIB programs or GCE courses.The IB or GCE programs give students the opportunity to apply to leading Universities and working with us ensures their success at schools such as UCL, Oxford Brookes, Glasgow School of Art, Bath etc. Especially when the target is architectural schools with particularly high requirements, we make sure that the portfolio is strengthened with projects that refer to the space, using original and imaginative means and materials. His reinforcementIBportfolioand ofGCE projectsworks as reinforcement and complement to these programs. So all the students who have trusted us, develop their school projects and enrich their portfolio with excellent new projects. This results in them significantly boosting their final grades and having 100% positive results in their applications.

What our students learn
1.Research and analysis methods so that they can develop the research and development part of their projects
2.To use various media in combination (video-art, collage, photography, installations), enriching their work and thus creating original works.
3.The creative use of Photoshop to "set up" excellent collages, workbook pages and a final, impressive portfolio.
4.History and theory of art and architecture, helping them with the GCE Art Research and Essay as well as the IB Extended Essay.
Enhance your IB or GCE Art projects with private lessons
The director of studies N. Souvatzidou has extensive experience in the supervision of visual arts projects and has helpedmany students in all stages of their projects (Research, Analysis, Development, Final, Workbook page presentation) through group and private lessons. Improve your grade immediately with just one two-hour lesson a week
the opinion of our students
"Preparing my portfolio at architectonica proved to be essential for my acceptance in the prestigious and competitive school of Architectural Association (AA). Architectonica was helpful for the preparation for the real life of a student by stimulating a variety of proposals and by using different materials and an unconventional and conceptual approach towards each given subject. Working with Ms. Souvatzidou and architectonica's tutors was a pleasure; their approach together with their willingness to help and analyze, turned out to be the right combination for yielding a high-quality portfolio."
Olympia Simopoulou, architecture, Architectural Association (AA)