architecture, art &design courses
Exclusive preparation for studying architecture, art and design
distance learning architecture
The "RIBA examination for Office Based Candidates" program of Oxford Brookes University is aimed at candidates with 3 years of work experience in an architectural office or technical company. It is the only architecture study program provided by distance from a European University. The studies last 5 years and lead to a recognized degree in architecture from the University. Existing qualifications (e.g. from HEI, TEI, IEK, colleges) of the candidate enhance the chances of success of the application, but are not necessary.

application + portfolio preparation
architectonica undertakes the preparation of the application and the supervision of the preparation of the portfolio for admission to the "distance learning architecture" program. Our many years of experience ensure the high level of portfolio required for the success of the application. The program is in high demand and, despite strong competition at pan-European level, all applicants who have worked with us have been accepted.
watch time + supervision of student work
During the program, the student remains in Greece and is required to complete a synthetic subject each semester as well as hand in written assignments, while he only needs to go to Great Britain once a year to participate in the predetermined examination periods of the university. architectonica undertakes the supervision and guidance (tutoring) of the student during the studies, both in theory and in design projects.
For information you can visit the Oxford Brookes University School of Architecture website: